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Hands of Love Ministry, Inc. 501(c)(3)

All donations are tax deductible.

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Our Ministry

Hands of Love Ministry is a Central Illinois-based non-profit evangelistic outreach organization founded in 1998 by Scott & Rachel Kramer. Our staff provides production, technical and administrative support for our ministry programs and artists. All of our ministry events include a gospel presentation and invitation to accept Jesus Christ as Savior. We minister throughout the world via radio, concerts and several fixed-venue events each year.

Hands of Love is an official 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and is incorporated in the state of Illinois.

If you want to talk about funding special needs for Hands of Love Ministry, we invite you to call us at: (309) 383-2828.

Your gifts help sustain the ongoing outreach work of Hands of Love Ministry! Thank you for your financial and prayer support!